Andy Tomlinson

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ANDY TOMLINSON Past Life Regressionist

JOHN PETROZZI: Hi and welcome to Living is Easy. I’m your host, John Petrozzi. Today, we’re really lucky to be speaking with Mr. Andy Tomlinson on the telephone from the UK. Andy is a Past Life Regression therapist. He has had a prior practice dedicated to regression therapy since 1996, from a background of ten years as a management trainer and is internationally known for his training.

He is a founding member of the European Academy of Regression Therapy and the European Association of Regression Therapy, and has been working to establish a common quality training standards with the leading regression therapy training organisations in Europe.

He is the author of a few books. The first one is “Healing the Eternal Soul,” which is recognized as an extremely valuable contribution and advancement to the regression therapy field. His second book is “Exploring the Eternal Soul,” which takes us further into the new area of life between lives.

Hi, Andy. Thanks for speaking with us today all the way from UK.

ANDY TOMLINSON: Good. Thank you. I’m really pleased to be here.

JOHN PETROZZI: Andy, this is a really interesting subject to me – regression therapy – because it’s very new. I’ve never heard of it before. A lot of our listeners may not have heard of regression therapy as a profession before either. Could you tell us a bit about the profession of past life regression therapy, how you got into it, and what it means to you?

ANDY TOMLINSON: Well, okay. I think just to explain to everybody. The word “regression” means to go back to the source of the problem. So the source of the person’s problem could be something that happened in this life or their timeline is extended to go beyond that and into stories that have all the appearance of being their past life.

By going back to the source of the problem, it’s possible to actually heal it in a way that’s much deeper and much more profound than therapies that don’t do that. For example, if you look at that like getting a thorn in our skin, we could either try to put a plaster and to heal the surface. The outward signs may look like it’s healed, but there will still be the thorn buried deep in there. Or we could go in and actually remove the thorn and healing takes place. This is really what regression is about. It’s really enabling people to go to the source of the problem and be able to heal up.

JOHN PETROZZI: So what do you mean “going to the source of the problem”? Do you mean going to the source of the problem that actually happened not in our present lifetime, from our birth to our current age? Do you mean some of this happened previous to that in a past life?

ANDY TOMLINSON: Well, certainly stories emerge that have all the appearance of being a past life. Therapists who work in this area don’t necessarily go out to try to prove or disprove the story. It’s simply the therapeutic power that these stories bring in the healing process.

If one was to look for whether past lives are real or not, there would be a need to really look at the work of other people. For example, if you or I had a story emerged and we thought it was a past life, someone else could listen to that and say, “Yes, but it could perhaps just be a buried memory or something that was forgotten or something that was read about, and somehow it just comes to the surface.”

JOHN PETROZZI: So it’s something imagined?

ANDY TOMLINSON: The source of whether past lives are really real has to go to a different source, and this is through the work of a wonderful pioneer in this area called Dr. Ian Stevenson. He specialised working with children who had what appeared to be spontaneous past lives. Ian Stevenson is a professor – or certainly was, as he is recently deceased – was a professor of Para-psychology at the University of Virginia in the United States.

This is a person with very well respected position. When he went out to investigate these stories of what appeared to be spontaneous past lives, he went about it like a detective, gathering all the information, interviewed all of the witnesses, checking for signs of deceit by going back that many years later. He wrote the case studies of 2,600 children, all of which appear to have past life experiences.

I mean, for example, one child that he investigates has been in a small village in India. As soon as she could speak, she started to talk about her other family and her other home. Her parents who lived in a small rural village, where there is no media or TV, started to get a little concerned about this, and decided to take this little girl to this village that she was talking about to prove to her that the house that she described to her parents just didn’t exist, thinking hopefully the youngster would stop talking about the event.

They went on this trip to this other village, and there was a house exactly as it was being described, and they knocked on the door. When the owner of the house came and they asked whether there was a young girl of a particular name, the person at the door went rather white and explained that it had been his daughter and that she died nine years previously, and invited this family in. They went through a whole series of exercises to test how valid the recall of this youngster was.

Now a lot of the value in these stories is in all the details. Things like she was able to remember going to a wedding and having a problem with diarrhea and having to go to the toilet. Now this isn’t a sort of thing that people would normally remember except the person themselves, even able to describe where his favorite toy was being hidden. The parents pulled back a little stone, and there was the toy exactly being described. Altogether with this one child Professor Stevenson gathered 49 separate pieces of evidence that couldn’t be explained away by anything other than reincarnation.

Certainly, it appears that there’s a lot of evidence to support that at least some people have past lives. Of course, with young children, all the gnomes or fairies that are brought to account for this just don’t exist, simply because they’re not exposed to other sources of information. But it does raise rather interesting questions, like even if some people do have past lives like children, does that mean to say everybody has past lives? Does that mean to say that people who experience hypnosis, which is a normal for people to forget their past lives, whether those are real or not?

I think that’s really up to everybody to make up their own mind, but certainly, it seems to most rational thinkers, if you can establish beyond doubt that at least one person or several people have past lives, it would be very strange that only some people have past lives and not others. I think this is where rational thinking needs to apply with looking at the evidence.

JOHN PETROZZI: So with past lives, why do we forget them and why did these particular people in Dr. Stevenson’s studies, why did they remember them? Is it because they’re children still? It’s very, very close to them being born? Why don’t we actually remember these things consciously in our human everyday life?

ANDY TOMLINSON: Well, the answer to that is that if we were to remember where we came from ourselves, then we’re coming from a place of unconditional love, because that source would be the one we call the Soul Energy that joins the human body when the baby is created. If we were to remember the unconditional love there, everybody would get homesick and want to go back.

Certainly, for a lot of people, to remember all of the past lives as a child could be quite overwhelming. So the natural process is to remove those memories on the point where the baby is created, but sometimes some of the memories do linger for a little while. These are some of the examples that Ian Steven

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